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Welcome to the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff's
FOIA Online Submission Form

By using the OSD/JS Public Access Link (PAL) system, the requester is able to create a user account that provides a login ID and password, which allows the requester to submit their requests electronically, check the status of their request at any time, communicate directly with the case officer, and electronically receive interim and final responses to their requests.

Please remember that this Requester Service Center (RSC) only processes Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for records related to the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff (OSD/JS). This office does not process FOIA requests for the entire Department of Defense (DoD). Please direct requests related to the Military ServicesCombatant Commands, or other Defense Agencies, to the appropriate organization/component that maintains the record(s) of interest. Please contact us at (866) 574-4970 if you have a question regarding which organization or component maintains the record(s) you are seeking.

Privacy Act requests ("any information you have on me", "records related to my security or background investigation", "records related to my...") must be submitted IN WRITING, include a SSN or DOB and be signed by you. Such requests cannot be submitted thru this online system. Our address can be found on the Contact Us page.

For records 25 years or older, please direct your request to the National Archives and Records Administration.

For all DoD personnel records of retired military or civilian personnel, please direct  your request to National Personnel Records Center.

Select Register on the top right navigation to register as a new online requester or select Sign In to login if you are a returning online requester.

You must Sign In to submit a request.

PLEASE NOTE: You may experience technical difficulties submitting your FOIA request thru this site.  Please only click once to submit your request, and we will receive it.  We reserve the right to remove duplicate submissions caused by technical difficulties.  You may verify receipt of your request by clicking on the "Request Status" link to the left.  Alternatively, you may submit your request via mail or fax at:

Freedom of Information Division
1155 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1155
(571) 372-0500